These cards always freaked me out though the colors are wonderful. I know a few people whose mouths should look like that in person as that’s their real personality.
Denny, this is fantastic– I’ve never seen this before. It definitely looks vintage– makes me think of the Pulp magazines from the 40’s and 50’s. Where did you get it?
Hey Doug,
I’m pretty sure I found this in my mother in-laws things. She had saved everything she ever touched!
holy crap!!!!!!!!!!! no way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is insane and i’m SO jealous!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, speechless, truly speechless!!! allee, I’m with you….i’ve know plenty of people like this…..some are in my family! :D
Allee Willis
These cards always freaked me out though the colors are wonderful. I know a few people whose mouths should look like that in person as that’s their real personality.
Douglas Wood
Denny, this is fantastic– I’ve never seen this before. It definitely looks vintage– makes me think of the Pulp magazines from the 40’s and 50’s. Where did you get it?
Hey Doug,
I’m pretty sure I found this in my mother in-laws things. She had saved everything she ever touched!
holy crap!!!!!!!!!!! no way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is insane and i’m SO jealous!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, speechless, truly speechless!!! allee, I’m with you….i’ve know plenty of people like this…..some are in my family! :D
I have an Aunt that looks like this.