The Mirror At The Pokey-Dot

Submitted by Nessa December 3rd, 2010
Certifikitsch Winner

I will definitely go back and take some better pictures of this, but this is a “hand mirror” in the on the wall in the Ladies’ Restroom at the Pokey-Dot Diner in Fairmont, WV.

I took this picture a while ago, before I was active at the Kitschenette… so it’s not a very good kitsch picture.. I was going through some old photos and I saw this mirror and it reminded me of the “SUBMIT” hand here on the website. The hand isn’t in the frame entirely because at the time I was doing a photography project where I had to take a self portrait every day and this is one of the results. I promise to take a better picture of it soon!

The whole restroom at the Pokey-Dot is very kitschy, so next time I’m there I’ll be sure to take more pictures.

6 Responses to “The Mirror At The Pokey-Dot”

  1. Allee Willis

    I love the name Pokey-Dot. That it’s the name of a diner makes it even better.

    How big is this mirror? Are there other ceramic things like this hanging up in the diner?

    I’m crazy about that big fingernail! And love seeing you in the mirror.

    How’s the food at the Pokey-Dot?

    • Nessa

      I’d guess the mirror in whole is around a foot tall? The mirror part itself is so small though it’s hardly useful for checking your makeup or anything, I remember I really had to cram my face in a weird way to get it in the frame of my picture… maybe 4″ mirror ?

      The Pokey-Dot itself has been in business for many decades, starting out as a really small home-cookin’ type diner with the knotty pine paneling on the walls and a juke box in the corner. It expanded, and sometime in the recent past 20 years or so had a “50s” makeover where knotty pine was replaced with chrome and whatnot. A semi-famous local artist did a lot of murals, including one entire wall of the ladies’ room. There’s other pseudo-kitsch around, actually, my profile photo was taken at the Pokey-Dot now that I think of it.

      The food is pretty good but I can’t say I care too much for the interior (though the ladies room is magnificent), just because I think it’s maybe trying a little too hard to be “authentic” and look like a “diner.” Despite the remodel of the building, the food is still authentically diner-y and it’s pretty good most of the time.

      They have a red English phone booth in the parking lot and a pretty cool neon sign.

      • Allee Willis

        I’m so not a fan of those repro diners. So sad that they destroyed an authentic one to turn it into a pseudo one. People always give me the names of those type places telling me that I’ll love them and I practically have to wear a blindfold once I’m inside. But I’m very happy to hear that the food has remained diner perfect! And, of course love that your profile photo was taken there. That milkshake looks great!