This is a 4 piece set of vintage Pyrex refrigerator bowls, just the right sizes for dinner leftovers, two small bowls, one medium bowl and one casserole bowl. These square bowls have glass lids which can be reversed in order to stack the set neatly in the fridge. The colors are nice and bright – red, blue and yellow.
Allee Willis
How could anything be more gorgeous than these containers? I definitely had the red and blue ones in my past but didn’t remember about them until I read your comment when myfuncloset posted her round Pyrex bowls. https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2010/12/01/1950s-pyrex-bowls-in-every-kitchen/
I never realized the covers could be reversed to stack them. Duhhhhh…
Planet Joan
I have a few of these myself, that are not allowed in the dishwasher.
Michael Ely
Yes! The dishwasher is guaranteed to fade them.
This is a great set. Sadly, I’m missing the glass lid for the casserole. How brillant to have designed the lid of a bowl to interlock into the bottom of the bowl stacked on top. I’m sure the designer(s) would be thrilled to know they are being discussed and used 60 years later.
Beautiful set…
I have a few of these and I love them!