This is in part my own work of kitsch. For years I had this old roses-in-a-vase paint-by-number painting. On the back it reads – ‘Happy Mother’s Day 1967.’ It was okay, but sort of an ordinary and drab paint-by-number, and it just needed something more. Then one day, I was in a Mexican import store and I came across some pink paper roses and the idea came to me. I cut and glued the paper roses onto the painting itself and it immediately came to 3-D life! I hung the painting high above a window valance / shelf, and every now and then a guest will look up at it and say – “Wow, it almost looks like those roses are growing directly out of that painting!” They are.
Allee Willis
Excellent handiwork! I’m all in favor of enhancing something otherwise drab to bring it to life. You made an excellent choice of actual fake flowers. You should sign it too.
I love this… it just makes me smile..
Wondering if Allee’s friend, John LLoyd Young would love this..
Allee Willis
Funny you say that. I just went to his art opening last night. Will post a photo as soon as I find my camera…