This belonged to my Pop and only measures an inch long. It’s fully functional too but I don’t think it would help me if accosted in a dark alley in some strange city.
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2 Responses to “Little teeny tiny pocket knife”
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Allee Willis
So great that this was your dads. I love these little things. I have them from all sorts of companies that gave them away as promo items in the 40s, 50s and 60s. They were often made for kids. How insane is that that this thing that can do serious damage was given away Ike cracker Jack toys?!
Mark Milligan
Denny all the men in my family had to have knives in their pockets, and I think I might have one somewhere that was given to my step-dad as a promo item that I then got for a christmas present (I’ll dig around tomorrow!)
My older cousin Dale was a knife freak, and I wanted to impress him when he and I were on summer holiday at Grandma’s, and asked if I could borrow his pocket knife to carve some wood, and he said “don’t come crying to me if you cut yourself.” Of course I still have the scar where I cut my hand between my thumb and pointer finger, but I went to Grandma, not him when it happened! I was probably 7.
I agree Allee, what in the world were they thinking? I guess not that they were so much a weapon of offense, but carving tools, or teeth pickers?