In honor of Allee’s birthday, I’m posting a few remotes designed with the lady tv viewer in mind.
First, who could resist the feminine curves of this RCA Victor two-button remote? It looks almost like something a dame could shave her legs with:

And just in case that ain’t girlie enough for you, check out this wee thing! Behold, the Admiral Son-R Remote… small enough to be handled by the daintiest of feminine hands:

Allee Willis
The first one definitely looks like a shaver. I’ve never seen a 50’s remote shaped like that before.
The Admiral Son-R in the second photo is so cute I can’t even stand it. And the brass color is gorgeous too. Did that go with a portable TV by any chance?
Thank you for the excellent eye feasts in honor of my birthday!!
My pleasure!
I’ve seen the Son-R featured with a 19″ portable tv, but I don’t know if it was unique to that device.
By the way… snapped up a belated birthday treat for you next time we cross paths: November ’75 issue of JET with a cover feature on Afro Sheen titan George E Johnson.
Happy post-birthday — more remotes to come.
Allee Willis
Oooh, I don’t have that Jet….
Awaiting more remotes too!
Great post… I just love seeing the remotes…
The one that got away.
I’m a vintage remote collector as well.
Troy, you got this one because I forgot to set an alarm to bid. I had been waiting for years for one of these to come up, as this one has a special meaning for me.
My father worked for RCA, and was a gadget guy. My first memory of TV ( around 1961, when I was 2 ) was our black and white, and the ‘clicker’ .. that specific clicker! I never understood as a kid why everyone’s tv didn’t have a remote.
The next TV in our house in 1963 was a colour set, and had a transistorized remote … the one in your ‘Knock Knock, Hue’s there’ post. I did find one of them on EB a few years ago.
If you ever want to part with the RCA 2 button ‘shaver’, let me know!