Although I’m not a massive fan of actual peanuts, I’ve always loved classic 1950’s plastic Mr. Peanut memorabilia. I love how the plastic glows with depth from the richness of the classic 50’s colors he came in, in this case perfect baby blue.
I also love the sound of coins dropping into Mr. Peanut’s all too small empty plastic gut.
The only other Mr. Peanut memorabilia I collect is also made of plastic. I have this cup in pink, yellow, red and the bank mate, baby blue.
I also have Mr. Peanut salt and pepper shakers. I love them for their diminutive stature compared to the bank and cup, but they stay too close to traditional peanut color and I like things that break more out-of-the-box.
I love Mr. Peanut’s stance. He’s so casual.
I especially like his little thin legs and rolled down socks.
And he always looks so self-assured.
For all these reasons I like having Mr. Peanut and his multiple selves around my kitschen.