Found this full bottle of perfume for $1.00 and thought it was too good to pass up and purchased it to post here on awmok.com.
Found this full bottle of perfume for $1.00 and thought it was too good to pass up and purchased it to post here on awmok.com.
Allee Willis
Love this! What year? 1980’s? I’d say 70’s but the plastic looks a little too shiny.
I love the name “Sweet Honesty”. What on earth does that have to do with a bowling pin or bowling?!
I also love that the box top tells you to rinse the bottle out once the cologne is gone and display it on a shelf. Good luck ever getting rid of any Avon smell! Not to mention that they refer to it as a ‚Äúdecanter”. I sure hope no one “decants” out of it or it’s sure to strike an Avon death.
I love that the design suggests a bikini bottom with the positioning of AMF logo….
I can’t imagine the smell – eau de bowling shoe?
Allee Willis
I didn’t even notice the bikini bottom positioning of the logo. You’re absolutely right. Makes me wish they had put a set of lips on the cap.
It’s in the “A” box.
I was going to say crotch shot, but I didn’t think the Avon Lady would approve…
Ooops, I meant “A” box as in a box that I drop things in to mail to Allee. That kind of box! That was funny Laura!!