It was Allee who recently told me about MeshuggaMel’s band whose style of music puts a whole new twist on the genre of surf band jams and the first time I have EVER heard of a jewish surf band. MeshuggaMel and Kooky Kitsch both post the most amazing kitsch here at awmok.com.
Of course Allee’s socks had to match the fabulous t-shirt she is wearing. Mel, I am dying to hear your jams!
Allee would NOT let me photograph her without her lipstick so that will explain why she is covering her mouth like this! We were laughing so hard while trying to take these pics.
Nice of me to remove my bottle of water before taking this picture! Doesn’t Allee have the best socks?
Allee Willis
Although I actually like the fashion combo here this is my “at home” look. The shoes are my favorite around the house shoes. I also wear them to travel. They’re excessively beat up but I last the longest on my feet in them..
The socks are actually horseback riding socks. Who knew that underneath riding boots there awaits such fantastic sock designs? I was in Monterey once when the equestrian show was there. I spent all my time at the horse show inside the store freaking out over the insane patterns of socks they made for such occassion.
Meshugga Mel’s band, on my shirt, is definitely worth checking out. They do outrageous surfer versions of famous Jewish songs and vice versa. This is the music that would be playing in the halls of AWMOK alongside my own if it weren’t a virtual museum.