Submitted by k2dtw September 3rd, 2010
Certifikitsch WinnerClassique d Camembert


This is a Carmen Miranda head vase, by Marti of Hollywood…
I read that Carmen Miranda posed for this head vase.. I don’t have any information about Marti of Hollywood??.. If anyone does???..
I love everything Carmen Miranda, and always felt she was one of Hollywood’s celebrated Queens of Kitsch Glamour..
I found this head vase at a show in Dearborn, Mi…many years ago..


  1. Allee Willis

    Wow, a serious treasure!!!!!!! So many things of this era evoke the memory of Carmen Miranda but this IS Carmen Miranda, autograph and all. So fantastic that you have the photo of her with it! Did you pay a fortune?

  2. k2dtw

    Thank you very much…
    It was such a long time ago, I don’t remember exactly what I paid, probably $40-$50???… I do remember how ecstatic I was to find it…

    • k2dtw

      Thanks Denny…great Carmen Miranda Print…I love the costumes. I read in her IMDB Bio that her dad had a “Produce” business when they moved to Rio de Janeiro… Isn’t that perfect that she would have that kind of influence….smile..

    • Allee Willis

      It says the reserve isn’t met yet which means it’ll cost a lot. Now if it was someone who didn’t realize it was Carmen Miranda I might just bid but that’s not the case. Boo hoo.

    • k2dtw

      Thanks… They have some info on Marti of Hollywood… When I Google Martin Deutsch/Marti of Hollywood a little info comes up on his designs for Luminart TV Lamps..

    • k2dtw

      Thank you, Yes…I was setting up at the show, and just took a little break to look around. I was there when the dealer unpacked it and sat it down almost in front of me…yikes.. i’m usually not that lucky…smile
      Do you know the “Marti of Hollywood” Pottery??

  3. Mark Milligan

    Okay this is getting serious I just bid on the one on ebay. Shit. Look what you did Denny!

    Seriously, this is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen! I love it.

  4. Douglas Wood

    Sorry, don’t know “Marti of Hollywood,” but it was probably one of the many California Pottery companies that sprung up in the 40’s and 50’s and are now mostly gone.

  5. k2dtw

    Thanks… Did any of you students work for 20th Century Fox, Paramount… or any of the Hollywood Studios?

  6. Nessa

    Crazy awesome, it’s beautiful! Far better than your run-of-the-mill Lady-head vase! I love Carmen Miranda, too, the picture of her posing with the vases is classic.

    • k2dtw

      Thank you… I love head vases, they got so expensive so fast around here, I couldn’t collect them.
      I have a cousin who collects all of them, and she displays the ones w/their eyes closed in the bathroom….cracks me up..

    • k2dtw

      OMG…This is fab..
      Thank you very much for adding this to the post…I love You Tube..