Turtles and wax collide once again with this hand made wooden crayon holder souvenir from El Salvador. It has a very arts-and-crafts look to it with its incredibly amateurish painting (pupils looking simultaneously in opposite directions; eyelashes but NO MOUTH?!) The underside has lots of inadvertent patches of glaze and there’s lots of glue residue around the neck. The tail, by the way, is a tiny piece of leather.
Can’t see it, but “El Salvador” is painted on the back of his neck.
I know the fancy-schmancy F.A.O. Schwartz crayons are far too upscale for this turtle, but they’re the only ones I have in the house– bought a huge box of them at a garage sale for $1.00.
Allee Willis
Such a completely crazy turtle! Would also make an excellent cigarette holder. I love the touch of the FAO Schwartz crayons. Ups the kitsch turtle value.
The tiny leather tail kills me.
We already have the real deal Turle Way here at the Museum so the turtle has a friend: https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2009/09/29/bottle-of-turtle-wax-1960s/