Jungle Boy is large enough to fill a full size chair. He must weigh 15 pounds. The story is this…he was a gift to a young couple starting out 18 years ago. In time, they all traveled across country from San Francisco to Ohio. Imagine him in the back seat with the kids in a seat belt? At only $2 it just may have a new home before the day is through. Not sure what is going on with the nose.
Allee Willis
He’s a beautiful big burly gorilla and, yes, it looks like he may also have a little coke problem judging by his nose. on
This is the kind of stuffed animal I absolutely would’ve loved as a kid. I also love that his top brow looks more like a visor. Beyond anything, he has excellent taste in vintage chairs.
(The AWMOK Jungle Animal Petting Zoo is a scenic attraction whose cages are currently being filled to coincide with the release of the upcoming Pomplamoose with Allee Willis “Jungle Animal” VideoSong and online music game and contest. Jungle tamer, AWMOK creator, curator and charming hostess, Allee Willis, me, will be steadily leading jungle animals to their cages over the next 1-2 months or so as you bring them here until the song is released. If ever there ever was a category that was primed to be kitschified it’s that of “Jungle Animal” as all the stripes, spots and fur have been inspiration for designers since the beginning of time. I thank you all in advance for placing your jungle pets in such an illustrious cage as The Allee Willis Museum of Kitsch. Keep them coming!)