This was a great find a few years ago. Who knew crossing guards had ranks, all the way up to Captain. The big kids, 6th graders, wore these AAA safety patrol badges, and protected the little ones as they crossed the streets near schools.
This was a great find a few years ago. Who knew crossing guards had ranks, all the way up to Captain. The big kids, 6th graders, wore these AAA safety patrol badges, and protected the little ones as they crossed the streets near schools.
Allee Willis
What did the AAA stand for?
I always needed the AAA before I needed a crossing guard.
Is this made of real metal so it’s a real badge or is it made of tin and more like a toy?
AAA… American Automobile Association. This is the real deal from the early 60’s. Heavier embossed tin with color enamel paint. Each rank was a different color. Plain, blue, green and red. Who knew? Got these for 10 cents each about 8 years ago mixed in with the toys. Ya just never know what you’ll find at yard sales.
And didn’t they all have a special secret way they folded that white safety belt they all wore???…