Did some hunting in the west valley yesterday and came across these two jungle-related items– a (fake) tiger skin ottoman and a (fake) zebra skin office chair. Oddly enough, these were found at two separate sales, one right after the other. Didn’t buy them but took these photos:

Allee Willis
It’s so cheesy to cover an office chair with fake zebra fur it takes my breath away.
I used to be a huge user of fake fur, especially when they started making patterns in it. I think I peaked with fake fur in 1985. Although some gorgeous long haired pink fake fur remains under plastic on my living room couches I can’t bring myself to use it anymore. But I’m very happy to welcome these two pieces of furniture to the AWMOK Jungle Animal Petting Zoo!
The valley is always so reliable for kitsch.
(The AWMOK Jungle Animal Petting Zoo is a scenic attraction whose cages are currently being filled to coincide with the release of the upcoming Pomplamoose with Allee Willis “Jungle Animal” VideoSong and online music game and contest. Jungle tamer, AWMOK creator, curator and charming hostess, Allee Willis, me, will be steadily leading jungle animals to their cages over the next 1-2 months or so as you bring them here until the song is released. If ever there ever was a category that was primed to be kitschified it’s that of “Jungle Animal” as all the stripes, spots and fur have been inspiration for designers since the beginning of time. I thank you all in advance for placing your jungle pets in such an illustrious cage as The Allee Willis Museum of Kitsch. Keep them coming!)