This is a Milton Bradley board game based on comedian Allan Sherman’s 1965 novelty song, “Hello, Mudda, Hello Fadduh,” which was in the form of a kid’s letter chronicling his miserable stay at a horrible summer camp. I remember when this was popular– I know it must seem kind of lame now, but at the time this was cutting edge comedy.

The game was designed by Reuben Klamer who also designed Milton Bradley’s The Game of Life, and actually looks kind of clever. (I’ve never played it– just got the game at a garage sale but never had it, or even saw it when I was a kid.) The contents include 16 Icky Animal cards, 45 camp bus cards, 4 bunk houses , a plastic camp bus and 12 gross rubber animal/bugs. The object of the game is to get home from camp.

Here’s the board game with the assembled cardboard bunk houses:

Finally, here’s a fun, black and white You Tube clip of a 1965 TV ad for the game:
Allee Willis
I owned the LP that “Hello, Mudda, Hello Fadduh” was on. I almost bought this game once but I couldn’t deal with the antique store price. I loved this record when I was young, especially because my parents were so excited that a Jew was singing it.
I remember thinking how old Alan Sherman looked at the time. looking at him now he looks like a youngster!
The commercial is fantastic.
Mark Blackwell
ah yes, my older brother had this, i sort of inherited it as a kid, but the whole camp granada thing was before my time and i remember being baffled (and yet intrigued) by it…i’m pretty sure this is still in our attic back in s.c….
I never remembered this game but certainly the song and Alan Sherman.
This is my flashback memory of Alan Sherman.
Ready… I had just moved to NYC in the summer of ’69. One of my roomates was the girlfriend of Alan’s son, Robby. Here we were living in a railroad flat on E 14th St. Robby was “slumming” when he stayed over. On occasion, we all went uptown to his super fancy, doorman, high-rise East 60th. This was Alan Sherman’s NYC home. This was high living like I had never seen before. Even back then I was snapping pictures.
Say the word and I’ll post them. If my memory serves me, a mounted moose head that lights up, gold records on the wall, a shot from the balcony shooting 20 stories down, and a few more.
Whew…I haven’t opened that adventure up in awhile.
Allee Willis
WORD!! YES, of course! Post those photos, please!!!!
Mark Blackwell
yes, wanna see ’em!!!
Great story…can’t wait to see the pictures.
This is so cool…it looks like it’s in great condition. I’ve never seen the game, love the commercial?? LOVED that song…had to have the album, so funny, loved Allan Sherman, thought he was such a funny little guy. If I’m remembering correctly, was it the same time all the great comedians were showing up on Johnny Carson, and all their funny LP’s were coming out??? I loved and bought George Carlin, Bob Newhart, Bill Cosby…and the guy that did that Kennedy First Family comedy album??
Allee Willis
First Family = Vaughn Meader. I have it somewhere.
Julie Brumlik
Post the pix! PLEASE!
I think I have the First Family & Bill Cosby “Why Is There Air?” albumns … this is an old thread but if I find ’em, I’m postin’!
Allee Willis
Yes, definitely post!
found the albums, trying to post but I’m doing something wrong…? pics dont show up after upload…I wanna show my other stuff, too. :(