Wives who cook and do the dishes
Should be granted these three wishes:
A grateful mate…a well-kissed cheek…
A restaurant dinner every week!
Copyright 1954, Pabst Brewing Company, Milwaukee, WISC
This plastic platter is a beaut! Now if I could only figure out how to get a restaurant dinner every week.
Allee Willis
Yay for recognizing the importance of a restaurant dinner! I do love how a beer company came up with such a traditional message on such a traditional looking plate suggesting that beer in a restaurant where the wife is always welcome is encouraged. Seems like they were very conscious of portraying drinking as something very homey. My favorite thing about this though is that it’s plastic because they did such a great job of emulating a china pattern.
How big is this plate?
This is great…What a surprise it’s plastic???
Cheetah Velour
It’s a whopping 15″ across. Big enough to hold a plastic turkey dinner!
Allee Willis
Here’s the turkey: https://www.alleewillis.com/blog/2009/11/26/allee-willis-kitsch-o-the-day-inflatable-turkey/
Cheetah Velour
Allee, you are the greatest!