Hors d‘Oeuvres for the Recording Studio….”Jungle Animal” anyone???
Great Box…Where’s John LLoyd Young when you need him??…smile
Hors d‘Oeuvres for the Recording Studio….”Jungle Animal” anyone???
Great Box…Where’s John LLoyd Young when you need him??…smile
Allee Willis
Yes, this would be perfect for John Lloyd Young to decorate! https://www.alleewillis.com/blog/2010/05/26/allee-willis-kitsch-o-the-day-%E2%80%93-lipstick-cam-and-food-for-thought-party-photos/
Animal Crackers remain one of my favorite foodstuffs in the world. I used to love flying Jet Blue because they offered them as snacks.
When I was putting the concept together for the Jungle Animal Petting Zoo to accompany my upcoming VideoSong/online music game with Pomplamoose I didn’t even remember about the Animal Crackers box. I think this is one of the all time greatest box designs. The little cloth handle always killed me.
(The AWMOK Jungle Animal Petting Zoo is a scenic attraction whose cages are currently being filled to coincide with the release of the upcoming Pomplamoose with Allee Willis “Jungle Animal” VideoSong and online music game and contest. Jungle tamer, AWMOK creator, curator and charming hostess, Allee Willis, me, will be steadily leading jungle animals to their cages over the next 1-2 months or so as you bring them here until the song is released. If ever there ever was a category that was primed to be kitschified it’s that of “Jungle Animal” as all the stripes, spots and fur have been inspiration for designers since the beginning of time. I thank you all in advance for placing your jungle pets in such an illustrious cage as The Allee Willis Museum of Kitsch. Keep them coming!)
Mark Blackwell
are these the old boxes that had little cardboard wheels that actually folded down so they could stand? i don’t think they make those anymore….
They’re the old box w/the fold down wheels.
Just found this online…they have a long great history..