Be-Weave in Yourself

Submitted by tennwriter July 16th, 2010
Certifikitsch WinnerClassique d Camembert

Yes, this is the actress Laura Bell Bundy, creating a character, but I know this woman. I met her years ago in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at Craytonia’s House of Coiffure, a salon bearing the tagline “If you’re not becoming to yourself, then you should be coming to us.” And I went. And I’m white, but I got the treatment and a visit that was more like a church service than a salon visit.

One Response to “Be-Weave in Yourself”

  1. Allee Willis

    This girl is brilliant! I’ve never seen her do anything I didn’t have the same opinion of. And, trust me, for me to like anyone who’s consciously attempting to make something very kitschy, especially in video form, is one in 1 million. She’s got it down pat and anything she adds to it amps it up even more. Be-weave me when I tell you!!