Kate, for shaking out your “Kleanser” and kleansing things, I suppose. Spotted at an antique shop, priced at a lot more than I wanted to spend, though I’ve been wanting one of these for a while. Didn’t buy it, but preserved it digitally. =)
The guy you can kind of see in the back left is a “Sprinkle Plenty” politically incorrect Chinese laundryman stereotype laundry sprinkler bottle, not too rare but usually overpriced… didn’t get a close up, I’m always afraid they’ll yell at me for taking pictures.
Allee Willis
I really love when mass produced products are given names like Kleanser Kate.
I’ve actually had a whole lot of cleanser holders along the way. They’re kind of a pain in the butt though as the cleanser powder flies all over the place when you fill them. This one as it seems like a prime candidate for that as you’d have to dump the cleanser into her as opposed to sliding the can with the cleanser in it inside of Kleanser Kate. Or is that not how she’s filled? Might be best just to admire her overpriced self and save your coins for something more practical.
The Chinese spoon boy is at https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2010/07/06/1-measure-boy-spoon-holder/
If I recall correctly, she had a cork in the bottom for filling, though I can’t imagine it was very practical. Also, she can’t be easy to hold on to when you’re trying to shake cleanser out with likely wet hands or soapy gloves.
wow, she’s beautiful,but yeah these things were kinda impractical….powders always just caked up from moisture!