Denny’s Adventure’s In “Willis Wonderland” – part 13

Submitted by denny July 12th, 2010
Certifikitsch WinnerClassique d Camembert

Amazing. A light up frame of Martin Luther King and his family.

Who knew, until now that the Supremes had their own line of bread?

Personalized panty hose, look at this amazing packaging.

Check out Mom’s shirt, she def has the stripe thing going on!

Stinky car or wreck room try “Soul Charmettes”.

Made by the Whitman Company. This is a tin and not a cardboard box to house the dolls.

This takes the cake!

11 Responses to “Denny’s Adventure’s In “Willis Wonderland” – part 13”

  1. Allee Willis

    The significance of what’s in photo number two isn’t so much that The Supremes had their own line of bread so much as that it was White Bread.

    The bottom part of photo number three, the Singing Star Pantyhose, is one of the rarest pieces of music memorabilia that I own as there was almost no promotional merchandise made for Black stars of the 1940s and 50s. To have this group of women have their own line of pantyhose is really fantastic. There are three pristine MIB packages in the box.

    The Afro American History Mystery Game in photo number four is one of several different versions of this game with different families on them. I have them all.

    The Soul Charmettes in photo number five is one of the most popular things in my house if I can judge by the number of comments it gets. I have three of these that I’ve collected over the years. My favorite thing about them is how jammed in “Soul Charmettes” is in the design. In the 1994 earthquake I came downstairs to find this on the floor and all of the deoderizers flipped over to cover the girls shirt. Under there I saw ‘Soul Charmettes”. It was a case of an art director not dealing with the the instructions they’d been given that objects would be covering the lower part of the card. Once the cards were assembled with the product they had to do some last-minute shifting around of the product name and probably didn’t have the money to shrink the title down so they just stuck it the only place that it could fit. Hence the really screwy looking design and the reason why I have three of these and not just one.

    The Lennon SIsters are complete in the box.

    I have Beatles shoes to match the Beatles pantyhose.

  2. denny

    WHAT? Beatles shoes. Should I breath into a bag or what? I need to see those and photograph them. Beatles shoes indeed!

    • Allee Willis

      I definitely showed you the shoes as you were hyperventilating over the Beatles pantyhose but we didn’t take them out of the box. They were on the shelf right above the pantyhose next to the Beatles wig which I realize now you probably didn’t really see either because the moment was just too big.

  3. Douglas Wood

    This has to be one of the best group of kitsch items I’ve ever seen with the standout being the Supremes white bread and the History/Mystery game coming in a close second.

  4. denny

    Stepping into this room Doug is beyond words really…… I get easily overwhelmed and had to sit down after I rubber necked my way through it. I only “skimmed” this room and am anxious to get back inside to do some more photographing. I almost had a coronary when I walked in, speech was slurred, I broke out into a sweat, couldn’t concentrate. I loved every second of it.

  5. denny

    I’m embarrassed. YOU ARE RIGHT, the moment was huge and I hope there will be more photographing sessions between your kitsch, me, and my canon elph.

  6. Douglas Wood

    Denny– I recognize the symptoms– I’ve had them myself on those rare occasions when I unexpectedly come across a phenomenal garage or estate sale in which I’m the first one in and the prices are cheap.

  7. denny

    Good Doug! I thought I was the only one. I will admit too, I get this flushy feeling when I am doing the dump stores or I am approaching a most amazing flea market or garage sale. There, I said it.

  8. Michael Ely

    I can’t get over The Surpremes white bread! I would never believe that such a thing ever existed had I not seen this!

  9. Nessa

    What a fantastic collection you have! All of this stuff is great.

    Denny: Whenever I find something I really want at a place, I try terribly hard not to hyperventilate and shake when I’m handing over the money, lest my excitement be noted and the price be raised to something I can’t afford. I usually have trouble making complete sentences if it’s a really good deal.