This is the wallpaper in my grandmother’s kitchen in New Rochelle, NY. She and my grandfather designed the home, with my mother’s help, and it was built in 1966. My guess is that this is the original wallpaper. The kitchen table and chairs are iron and heavy! I remember my grandparents using the radio/intercom when I was a kid. No one could say the kitchen is anything but vibrant! It’s a great place to enjoy a Fresca and Milano cookies.

Allee Willis
SOOO insanely late 60’s/early 70’s. That wrought iron table and chairs weighing 12,000 pounds is the perfect accent. The intercom is pretty fantastic too or is that a radio that can play in different rooms?
As always, love grandma’s taste especially that she stayed with it all these years.
This is beautiful. I love the chandelier…it’s perfect!!! Are the metal flowers painted the same colors as the beautiful wallpaper?
This is amazing! Do I see a “Starbucks” cup there?
Oh yes, the flowers on the chandelier match the wallpaper! I believe the intercom can pipe radio into other rooms, though I don’t recall my grandparents ever using it that way.
I think that is a Starbucks cup on the table – I was taking photos on the fly and didn’t have time to appropriately “stage” them!
Oh golly, that’s great. It’s over the top! I remember going to an open house of a house for sale that had similar wallpaper in the kitchen. All kinds of people were tsktsking about how if they ever wanted to sell the house they needed to get rid of that wallpaper, stat. But seeing something like this when walking into a house would only endear the place to me more. You can’t be grumpy with such cheerful wallpaper.
wow, this is so fabulous..the sheer SIZE of each flower is really amazing!!!!