I found this at the dump and will most likely use it to store painting supplies on as I highly doubt I will eat off this piece. I love the font on the bottom of the tray. It’s always about gracious living.

I found this at the dump and will most likely use it to store painting supplies on as I highly doubt I will eat off this piece. I love the font on the bottom of the tray. It’s always about gracious living.
Allee Willis
Gorgeous font on the back. I, of course, love the tagline “Designed for Gracious Living”.
I’m pretty sure that this was one of the tiers on a stacked serving tower. They usually had three trays nine or 10 inches apart on a metal shaft down the middle with some kind of loop or ball at the top so you could pick it up easily. The trays got consecutively smaller from bottom to top. That would explain the hole in the middle.
This would make an excellent paint tray because of the scooped edge.
I have noticed that tag line before on other items. I can’t recall what they were but as you mentioned here, it’s a really fab tag line. We all need gracious living in our lives. What I love even more is that it’s a “hostess server” as opposed to a “host server”.