A few weeks ago I posted the Keane-inspired doll, Susie Sad Eyes. I mentioned that there had been a black version made as well, and she was called “Soul Sister.” I wanted one really badly, but I didn’t expect to ever find one, since she is quite rare. Imagine my surprise when I found her this weekend at a podunk country yard sale priced at a mere quarter!! I’m really glad I didn’t pass out.

She came sporting her original necklace, boots, and one of her original earrings. Her original outfit was sort of a hippie-inspired peasant blouse with black pants. The dress she is wearing here is from my doll clothes stash. I think my family is complete! Though Susie came in other hair colors, too, like blonde and carrot-color hair, so if I find those I’ll have to get them!

I’m pretty pleased and shocked that I found one!
Allee Willis
I collect Black dolls from the 60’s and 70’s and have no idea how I missed one as obviously named as “Soul Sister” but this is my first time seeing her. I shall now be on the lookout as well. She has many little friends to join her over here like one of my favorites, Dinah-Mite: https://www.alleewillis.com/blog/2009/03/28/allee-willis-kitsch-o-the-day-dinah-mite/
Susie Sad Eyes is lucky indeed now that her family is complete: https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2010/05/26/susie-sad-eyes/
Douglas Wood
Wow– what a great find, and can’t believe you got her for a quarter! There’s something really poignant about this doll. Dinah-Mite clearly takes no shit but Soul Sister looks like she just got turned away from the country club Allee mentioned in the previous Skipper submission.
Allee Willis
Ha! Me and Soul Sister.
Douglas Wood
Me too. (I’m a Jew-boy).
Allee Willis
Yours in menorahs. We’re a matched set.
Douglas Wood
Ha ha!