So nutty that they have a little girl swinging to Buddy Cole’s organ…
I do love anything played on Hammond organs and I’m assuming these are very ‚Äúswinging‚Äù songs. But I still think that polka dot dress should’ve been on this kid’s older sister or mom.
Mark Blackwell
what an odd angle on the rope swing photo – it’s kind of disorienting if you stare at it a while…
…and where are her feet?
I saw a related LP in a store recently that I wish I had bought – I think the title was “Organ Appreciation”. Can’t remember the artist though :(
Allee Willis
So nutty that they have a little girl swinging to Buddy Cole’s organ…
I do love anything played on Hammond organs and I’m assuming these are very ‚Äúswinging‚Äù songs. But I still think that polka dot dress should’ve been on this kid’s older sister or mom.
Mark Blackwell
what an odd angle on the rope swing photo – it’s kind of disorienting if you stare at it a while…
…and where are her feet?
I saw a related LP in a store recently that I wish I had bought – I think the title was “Organ Appreciation”. Can’t remember the artist though :(
Allee Willis
Oh yeah, never pass up an LP with that kind of title, especially if ‘organ’ is in it! You can’t go wrong.