My favorite element of this vintage figurine is the real safety pin that’s been slipped through the ceramic. I also like that the baby is bisque but the bowling ball has a really shiny metallic glaze. On the bottom is a sticker that reads, “Freeman-McFarlin Originals – El Monte, California.” It looks to me like the sort of thing you’d buy in the “gift” section of a drugstore or Woolworths for $1.50 in the fifties.

Allee Willis
I owned this same baby at one time but, swear to God, it got smashed when one of my bowling balls, of which I have hundreds planted in my garden, rolled into it while I was rearranging memorabilia in storage boxes in my backyard. It was before I woke up to the fact that something like this wasn’t a tragedy but, rather, an incredible photo opportunity. Of course, I would have needed a great photo of it before it shattered and it being around 20 years ago was before I knew to photograph anything as soon as I brought it into the house. So it does my heart good to see this now.
My favorite things about it were exactly what you mention; the shiny gold glaze on the bowling ball and the real safety pin through the diaper.
Lisa Rios
Kudos on the snappy title. I have a thing for alliterations and the letter “B” is always a fun one.
Douglas Wood
Allee– Poetic justice that your baby was rolled over and smashed by a bowling ball. I guess ‘ya live by the sword, ‘ya die by the sword.
Lisa– B’s are better than baked banana bread.