My second visit to the Piskie Garden…I engaged he lady in conversation and she has been here for 25yrs having moved down to Cornwall to paint. She told me its Piskies in Cornwall, Pixies in Devon and Gnomes everywhere else. Also the small Piskies are called ‘Knockers’ because the men working in the mines used to take Cornish pasties to eat ,and they used to save the pastry rim and leave it for the ‘Knockers’ to eat and in return they the Piskies would knock is danger was present to warn the miners. The moulds used to be made by her husband and she paints them sitting under her tent. I did take a small video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlgSNK06vLU . It made me smile , in the photo with the stone memorial book there are Piskies flashing their bottoms and more !!!
Allee Willis
These photos and that video make me swoon!! Thanks SO MUCH for making a field trip and capturing everything. A Camenbert for effort!!
I CANNOT BELIEVE how many of those things there are. And I didn’t know that they actually made the gnomes and other madness right there. OMG, I wish I lived next door!!
shirlie williams
Ooooh Im so happy to get a Camenbert for the Piskie garden. The landlord at the bed and breakfast said he thought her husband had since passed away but her son makes them now. I brought one home with me, it weighed a ton , It was so difficult to choose, I wanted one that would not be lonely on his own !!! So I got a happy chappy sitting on a toadstool.
Allee Willis
Post please!