This cute cutting board has been hanging in my grandmother’s kitchen as long as I can remember. I think it must be pretty old. I never saw her use it, but she must have at some point since it’s kind of worn out.
I like how the bird has a halo, too. I’m glad if there are birds in heaven, but I’m not sure I want to do dishes in the afterlife.
Allee Willis
I’m dying over this! If it had been in my grandmother’s kitchen I never would have forgotten it either.
I’ve seen lots of painted cutting boards, a totally impractical item when you think about it as who would want to cut on top of paint so the knife can chip away more and more paint as has happened here. But toxic or not, this is one of the best I’ve seen. Usually they have a big glob of fruit or a chef or something directly food related painted on them.
I love that the angel’s most important business is washing dishes. And I love the bird being in charge.
Thanks, I’m glad you like it! It’ll be hanging on my wall for all of the foreseeable future. :)
Michael Ely
I love this!