A Go-Go (Hala Hala) Japanese Pop band from the 60’s Submitted by denny May 7th, 2010 Another sort of “bouncing head” record sleeve. I usually love anything with “go-go” in the title.
denny Glad you like. Look at her pointy shoes. I found these links which may give some clue as to when this was released. I’m pretty sure it was released between 1964-69. http://www.tofu-magazine.net/newVersion/pages/gogo.html http://www.dustedmagazine.com/reviews/5456 May 7th, 2010
Allee Willis
Excellent graphics.
Insanely Americanized.
What year?
Glad you like. Look at her pointy shoes. I found these links which may give some clue as to when this was released. I’m pretty sure it was released between 1964-69.
Allee Willis
Excellent sleuthing as usual!
Thank you!