I guessed breasts but there’s absolutely nothing in the packaging that suggests this (a sign of excellence in Kitsch.) Does the top of the box say “Tip ‚ÄônTwinkle” and is there any suggestion of the female anatomy there? And what exactly are you supposed to tip so that it twinkles?
Allee Willis
So are these battery operated lighted ice cubes? They look like breasts. And what makes them Chinese? Of course, the less sense it makes the better.
Douglas Wood
My curiosity is piqued– what the hell ARE these?!
They are plastic ice cube makers in the shape of womens’ breasts
Douglas Wood
Ah, thanks. Guess I’ve led a sheltered life.
Allee Willis
I guessed breasts but there’s absolutely nothing in the packaging that suggests this (a sign of excellence in Kitsch.) Does the top of the box say “Tip ‚ÄônTwinkle” and is there any suggestion of the female anatomy there? And what exactly are you supposed to tip so that it twinkles?
Waiter, there’s a ………..smile
What on earth makes breast-ice-cubes Chinese? I’m so confused.