Well, it’s a little late for Easter, but this is Easter fodder. Pull the trigger and the mouth pops open revealing bunny’s inner glow….. To me, it looks more like a bull terrier with (in honor of Pigmy Will) a Tic Tac tail, but bunnies are subjective (see Allee’s childhood pic with a very special bunny) , especially when they are flashlights. I have two of these, for quick draws at high noon, of course…..

Allee Willis
I don’t even know what to say about this one. Just looking at it you would have absolutely no idea what it is. Now knowing its identity it seems like an awfully complicated contraption for a cheap little flashlight. Very cute and I know I would have been thrilled to use something like this as a kid.
What size battery/s does it take?
Thanks for all the great detail shots. I always shoot objects from every angle as you never know what’s lurking around the corner.
I do love it as a companion piece to my 1952 Easter Bunny pic. I’m sure if I had had this back then I would have been shining it on my hat. (https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2010/04/08/allee-willis‚Äô-kitschen-o‚Äô-the-day-‚Äì-susan-feniger-on-top-chef-masters/