Who is Maggie? Allee, I’m hoping you or one of your kitsch admirers might recognize the subject matter, technique and name. Without success, we have been trying to track down this artist in recent years. The painting is only signed ‚ÄòMaggie”, with no last name or date. It measures 24″ x 24″, acrylic on masonite.
Romare Bearden, prominent black collage artist, gifted this colorful, endearing folk painting to us in 1986. The artist “Maggie” sent this painting to Romare. He said he appreciated the gift but did not collect much art. He then gifted it to us, and we have enjoyed it since.

Our only clue is “Heavenly Waters”, painted on the small sign within the painting. “Google” research puts Heavenly Waters in Maryland or Virginia…maybe.
To all of you, perhaps you may have seen this mystery artist in passing over the years. If not, I hope you enjoy it and the story it tells. Every time we count the men, women and babies, we arrive at a different number.

Allee Willis
Wish I could help you out here but I don’t have a clue. I saw so much of this kind of art while I was researching and co-writing The Color Purple (musical). It’s so interesting because there’s so much traditional about it but so many of the outfits are more contemporary. I love how the people are painted so flat but the grass and, I’m assuming, the trees are so textural, like it’s really out in the back woods. For my taste, it’s the best baptismal painting I’ve ever seen. I wish I knew who Maggie was because she’d certainly be making another sale from me right now.
So great that you also appreciate the detail and personality “Maggie” put into this work of art. Yes, most everything is painted flat with the trees are the most textured. Allee, if you could be so kind as to share this with any folk art collectors you know, who could point us in the right direction, we’d be thrilled.
Oh yes… if anyone cares to count, there’s 50+ men, women & babies.
Allee Willis
Will do!
Thank you. So much great work out there is not signed.
wow. i love this painting so much, i have no words…i’m maggie, but not the right maggie! damn!
I like how there is so much going on in this painting! I like the little lady with the cast on her foot. I really like how 3-D it is! I don’t know who Maggie is either, but if I ever find out, I’ll let you know! She’s got a great style and deserves some recognition.