Snapped just hours ago. I couldn’t drive passes this amazing lamp without capturing the “big picture”. A green torso lamp, a bold graphic sign and two mani firmcured bushes all mushed together in one shot. Even the lamp shade screams.
Snapped just hours ago. I couldn’t drive passes this amazing lamp without capturing the “big picture”. A green torso lamp, a bold graphic sign and two mani firmcured bushes all mushed together in one shot. Even the lamp shade screams.
Allee Willis
Wow, how lucky are we that whoever lives here isn’t afraid to express themselves!
I love the torso lamp, especially as I can’t imagine that that’s the shade that came with it. It seems a little straight and mounted too low.
The razor sign is insane. Is it a barbershop? Or a place that sells straight razors? Or is it just an indication of what’s going to happen to you if you get too close to try and get a better view of the torso lamp?
The sad little curlicue bushes framing the sign are an excellent touch. I wonder if they were sculpted with a straight razor?
As I said in Denny’s post today which also features a house with a tad of crazy (https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2010/04/03/house-with-gigantic-religious-statue-in-the-front-yard/), front yard Kitsch is about my favorite genre of Kitsch.
My Kitsch eyes were wide open today. I’m quite sure it’s a barbershop. In the past I may have focused just on the lamp but your insightful comments have broadened my appreciation for the “big picture”.
Allee Willis
I ‘m happy to be of service! The first thing I look for is the big picture. If the details are crazy than the big picture is usually even crazier.
Funny, I used to think it was just collecting the kitsch but Allee has now motivated me in taking my camera everywhere now. The ability to pick out community kitsch is almost as amazing and brilliant as something we would hang on our wall or display on a shelf. I’m nutty now as everywhere I go I drive my partner insane with “pull over, I have to snap that”. I live in an area where I come to find out that I surrounded by “community kitsch”. Being a part of AWMoK.com has really changed my life and my view of the world around me. Go soul sista, go! AWMOK has become like a second home to me.
Allee Willis
And we love having you here!
ok, i need that lamp. is that another one in the background in yellow? i’m losing my mind over this!!!!!!
shirlie williams
lol windupkitty I think we were separated at birth what with our cats and Ice creams …and I need that torso lamp as well, I thought I could see one in the background .were both going crazy !!!
Ladies, you both caught it. It’s a full size plastic woman’s leg lamp base, like the one in the Christmas movie where Ralphie wanted a BB gun for Christmas, filmed about 20 years ago. I couldn’t get a better shot of the leg lamp. Perhaps one day I’ll go in and snap it.
GOT TO HAVE THAT LAMP!!! did some body make it from spare manequin parts never seen one in this lime green whats the area code Im gonna call the store.