Years ago, I was at a podunk backwoods flea market that was so dark inside you practically had to wear a miner’s lamp on your head to see anything. It was there that I found a huge box of old mechanic patch name tags.. with the silliest names on them you’d ever seen all in one place. They were a little overpriced at the time (for me, anyway), so I only bought the ones photo’d here… but I promise there were lots more that were equally silly.

Aren’t these the best names ever?! I have since had people offer to buy these from me many times, but I always say “no.” Though I feel kind of bad if somewhere there’s a gas station with Kack, a Kink and a Dunk who just can’t find a tag with their name on it.
Allee Willis
I love name patches on anything and everything. My favorites here are Dunk (Dunk?!), Kink (I get that), Chick, Tiny (one of my favorite names EVER, especially for someone large), Kack (what’s kack?), and Buzzy (which almost seems common in the company of these other ones).
I don’t think I have ever known anyone with any of these names! The gas station near my house when I was growing up used to be run by a guy named Poncho, and it said it on his name tag, too… I wish I had a nametag with that name on it.
Mark Blackwell
wow these are beautiful…kack?!?!? where was this flea market, what state?
The flea market was in Fairmont, West Virginia. It is no longer in business, which I hate because I wish I could go back and buy more of these.
Douglas Wood
These are so cool and look really great together as a collection. Have you ever thought about putting them in one of those long horizontal frames with each name tag in its own matted “window”?
Thanks…. That is not a bad idea at all!
brilliant idea! i never thought of that.
wow, these are waaaaaaaaaaaay too cool! would make great place cards for a big dinner!