Yard sale find! Vibrant 8 x 10 lithos of island & city black dancers, 40s -50s era. Love the graphics, the colors, the movement. I wish I knew all the name of the dances of the 40’s and 50’s. Calypso, Jive, Swing and ??

Yard sale find! Vibrant 8 x 10 lithos of island & city black dancers, 40s -50s era. Love the graphics, the colors, the movement. I wish I knew all the name of the dances of the 40’s and 50’s. Calypso, Jive, Swing and ??
Allee Willis
Beautiful graphics and colors painted with a great sense of rhythm and flow. The guy in the top litho gets a little too ministral-y for my comfort level but otherwise I think they’re great.
I know the names of 40’s dances well after all the research I had to do on Black dances to write The Color Purple musical. Just a few: Big Apple, Foxtrot, Lindy Hop, Swing, Waltz, Tap, Jitterbug, Bop,Carolina Shag, East Coast Swing, Boogie-woogie, Tango
Here’s some great Lindy Hop footage in Harlem. Video description says late 1930s but I’d say early 40s. http://www.youtube.com/watch#!videos=2Iua8Xg2cBU&v=VQJGantR2DA (Copy the whole link into your browser as for some reason it’s only hyperlining park of the link).