Brass Anchor Bell Submitted by denny March 3rd, 2010 I am surrounded by nautical kitsch here. I couldn’t resist saving this from a junk box given to me by a friend.
Allee Willis From the photo this looks huge but you say you pulled it out of the junk box so perhaps my eyes are deceiving me…? You should take this with you the next time you go to Capt. Frank’s ( or any of the other fish establishments on the Cape so you can ring for service. March 3rd, 2010
denny It’s about 4 inches tall. My friends (our vet and our doctor, it’s all so Mayberry here), give me boxes of stuff on occasion and say “get rid of it, we don’t won’t to see this stuff again”! That is how I get some good stuff on occasion, from them. March 3rd, 2010
Allee Willis
From the photo this looks huge but you say you pulled it out of the junk box so perhaps my eyes are deceiving me…?
You should take this with you the next time you go to Capt. Frank’s ( or any of the other fish establishments on the Cape so you can ring for service.
It’s about 4 inches tall. My friends (our vet and our doctor, it’s all so Mayberry here), give me boxes of stuff on occasion and say “get rid of it, we don’t won’t to see this stuff again”! That is how I get some good stuff on occasion, from them.