Vaccination Prescription from 1946

Submitted by denny February 20th, 2010

My Grandmother saved the strangest things. These are my Mom’s records, she was 6.

5 Responses to “Vaccination Prescription from 1946”

  1. Allee Willis

    I’m so happy that your mom was vaccinated successfully but what for?! What is this proof of? Polio vaccine? Typhoid? Flu? I love medical records like this. If the doctor’s too lazy to write out what the vaccination was for imagine what happens when he’s in the operating room…

    • windupkitty

      what’s nice is that most dr’s are like this…trust me…’s terrifying…!

      cool vaccination record though!!!!

  2. denny

    I too have worked with plenty of Doctors. It’s a whole other world when trying to relate to them!

  3. Mark Blackwell

    willis read roberts m.d. sure kept some bizarre and rather confusing office hours…