Tonight I had the great pleasure of seeing the celebrated AWMOK contributor MeshuggaMel in action with his most incomparable band Meshugga Beach Party (minus a keyboard player). There was no combination of high and low art (these guys can really play and they completely tear it up!), so I don’t know if what they do can be called kitsch according to Allee’s definition, but the fact that they do don a tallit, fake beards (those must be excruciatingly hot under lights), and “traditional” black fedoras AND were playing for the Bar Mitzvah of He’Brew beer, well…..that counts, right? Oh, and they’re funny too….you can take any Bubbie to their show and she’d try to marry you off to all of them…It usually takes a lot to get me to change out of pajamas and leave the house, but for the love of surf tunes and these fine mensches who play so well, I’d travel far…..This is the worst picture and sound quality ever (sorry!) but I’m sure they have some good video footage as there were loads of cameras there tonight (so don’t hold out on us guys!)….thanks for a great show Meshugga!
Allee Willis
It’s rare that I’ll deem anything Kitsch that’s a self-conscious effort but this is such an honest expression and they are, in fact, great at fusing Yiddish and Surf, two genres that few people would think of putting together. Everything is executed perfectly and it’s a carrot-on-top-of-the-gefilte-fish complement to a Bar Mitzvah celebration for the Shmaltz Brewing Company’s He’Brew beer. For Kitsch to work when it’s consciously trying to be Kitsch everything has to be organic and Meshugga Beach Party totally succeeds.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with AWMoK aKitschionado MeshuggaMel. He didn’t have the full beard or tallis on but it was a perfect Yiddisha Kitsch afternoon.
Having been filled with the reverb-packed sounds of a surf guitar playing jew from the time I was in the womb, seeing these guys perform was almost like a hypnotic childhood regression experience! They were great and it was such a treat to see them…..really made my week! I can’t wait to get out to see them again…..maybe I’ll even bring my pops; he’d go wild!
And jeez, sorry again about the sound and picture quality…worse than I thought!
Mark Blackwell
i dream of the day i get to see meshuggamel in action, and i know that day will eventually arrive…
Windupkitty, why didn’t you introduce yourself? Oy, were we that unrecognizable when we finished the set and took off our beards? Incognito – like Burt Reynolds without his toupe.
Allee, we will wear our Kitsch badge with honor!
There are videos with better sound quality, and with our shayne keyboard player Karen, on youtube:
Also, I think I figured out a formula : shtick + earnest effort = kitsch.
Allee Willis
Yes, has to be heartfelt. if you’re doing it consciously there has to be a sincere passion for what you’re doing. If it feels put on it doesn’t work as kitsch. It’s just corny and annoying to watch.
hahahaah!!! burt reynolds without his toupe! i hope you mean the one on his head! One of the first places i worked as a kid was a small retail store off pacific coast highway (somewhere…heck, i can’t even remember where!) and the lady who ran the store had the definitive centerfold of your man, burt, terrifyingly naked on a bear skin rug, posted behind the cash register…..she said it inspired her…i’m pretty sure i’m permanently scarred….
hey, didn’t want to bother you guys! the place was pretty packed and well, admittedly, i’m fairly inept when it comes to approaching people i don’t know…HI. YOu are cool. i like music. it is nice. you were great. hi. ….no hopefully, i’m not that bad, but yeah, i probably am….after you guys played, i was standing behind your man, shecky, for awhile (his friend was checking out my companion rather shamelessly!:) she gets that a lot!:))…
For anyone who hasn’t seen these guys…go do it!
what could be better than fabulously executed jewish surf music and henny youngman jokes? Yeah, the jokes are definitely a triumph! i couldn’t even give them the proper moans….i have loads of HY’s records and just thinking about him makes me blush! i’m completely in love with him…
We didn’t stay for too long after the second band started….i’m still sort of getting over some bad health issues and often don’t last too long on my feet…but what a great night! such a pleasure to see you guys! i look forward to catching you again….