I am amazed at what I find in my Father in-laws house. We are forever throwing things out and I am almost always coming across some amazing letters. I think my late Mom in-law was being wooed by a few fellas. This little note is only signed “Guess Who”. It is addressed to my late mother in-law. This was mailed from Oak Park Illinois I assume. The stamp is superimposed on the note card. Love letters don’t get any better than this. This guy didn’t get the girl.
The Empty Mailbox

Allee Willis
Well, I’m glad your mother-in-law didn’t hook up with this guy. His meter is all over the place and I’m always suspicious of anyone who flowers their language with so many unconversational words and overuses commas. With this said I suppose it was very romantic for your mother-in-law to receive such a gushing note. I just hope for Guess Who’s sake she knew who Guess Who was.