im so afraid i ruined my Small Town Girls piece. In the photo you see it from top and then when i looked head on, i thought it looked plain so i added stuff.. what do you think?
im so afraid i ruined my Small Town Girls piece. In the photo you see it from top and then when i looked head on, i thought it looked plain so i added stuff.. what do you think?
Allee Willis
Well, my opinion is you used the space much better in this version so I like this better. But I would love to know what impact the new stuff added has on the story this piece tells. Once I know that I can render a more informed decision.
monica johnson
it doesnt have anything to do exactly with her dreams of platinum hair and bowling pins..but i thought the town needed filling out and the rainbow was just her belief dreams really do come true. but when i think about it the empty one says more about the lonliness of being such a person in a small town. i should make two..but i cant duplicate anything..i forget how
Mark Milligan
she still sits alone among them.
I like it when there are more things to look at and ponder. who are they? what’s their social security number? will I be left in their will? maybe not now when they read this.
Allee Willis
What do you mean by “but I cant duplicate anything..i forget how”? You forget how to duplicate or you don’t have the materials to duplicate? This seems like a Part 1 and Part 2 kind of thing to me. As I see it you don’t need to physically duplicate anything as we’re all seeing this in a digital domain. We can see both Part/Phase 1, https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2010/02/05/small-town-girls-dream-of-platinum-curls-and-bowling-pins-that-watch-tv/, and Part/phase 2 (scroll up). You can build and then construct some more and then deconstruct and then construct some more as long as you have incredible documentation of the piece at each stage. If you can’t make a decision as to which version is best I would just as an experiment take great photographs, not just long shots but lots of details, and then continue to build different versions of it until you land at one that instinctually feels definitive. It’s what it is at any point along the way, just like in life you look at the same thing and can see it a different way depending on where you’re at at the moment. Just a thought from an artist who used to agonize over these types of things and found a way to make the indecision pleasurable by deciding that it was the process that was the most interesting part of the piece. And that even though I was building physical art, because I was archiving it digitally I never had to make a decision about which version was the best as other then me or the person who bought the piece the only way anyone else was ever going to see my art was via a photograph. And that could be any aspect of the piece I felt like presenting at the time.