I picked up this Hula Girl probably 15 years ago at a yard sale, I fell in love the moment I saw her.
The wife on the other hand absolutely hated her. She kept on putting her away and I pulled her out again.
I always had her close to my computer monitor which used to be within eye-shot of the dining table and she would disappear.
Friends liked her, and one day we had diner at the friends and…
There she was !!!
My wife (in a fit of jealousy perhaps) had given her away !!!!!!
My friends did not realize their part in the deception and gave her back to my loving arms.
Since that time I have a separate room for my computers, my Hula Girl, Cheech & Chong dolls and my other beloved Kitsch.
Allee Willis
She so looks like she’s one of a set of S&Ps but I don’t see any holes in her head so I guess she was a freestanding hula babe.
I’m so glad you rescued her back and insisted she stayed to inspire you! I love her expression, tiny lips and extreme eyeshadow. I especially love that her front hand doesn’t look as articulated as her other hand and instead looks like the bottom of a foot. At least from this angle.
marty shaw
I think she was part of something, she is 5″ tall and empty underneath with remnants of “yellow feathery fur” kind of thingy.
Perhaps adorning the top of a bottle or something.
Oh yes, her bare bum (not shown) has a heart shaped tattoo.