Jellybean Ho Ho Ho

Submitted by Mark Blackwell December 13th, 2009
Certifikitsch WinnerClassique d Camembert

This is my latest jellybean art piece, “Jellybean Ho Ho Ho,” constructed especially for Ghettogloss Art Gallery’s December 2009 “12 Days Of Christmas” progressive celebration. It involves a mannequin foot, some vintage wrapping paper I found in the trash, a desk drawer I came across on the side of the road, and a great number of jellybeans. Go see it in person throughout the month of December 2009 at Ghettogloss on Melrose – it’s right next to the beer machine! Happy holidays!

4 Responses to “Jellybean Ho Ho Ho”

  1. Allee Willis

    The composition is fantastic on this! I love how snug the jelly beans are on the foot and leg. Did you use a mannequin part and mount on top? Vintage wrapping paper is perfect, hinting at the season but not causing a Christmas overload.

  2. Mark Blackwell

    thanks mark! and allee, yes, i used a mannequin sock foot thing and drilled holes in the back to mount it…

  3. Julie Brumlik

    This festive diorama reminds me of “seashell art” that used to be popular in Miami, alas a fading skillset. Question, do the jellybeans melt under the gallery lights?