I cant stop making these things Allee…im possessed..it all started last November when shrink changed my meds. i hope it doesnt turn out like Awakenings..where i wake up one day and dont know how to use my glue gun. Plus I’ve been eating hot sauce since 7 this morning.
Allee Willis
This is the story of my evenings, the only time I ever read, an activity I do solely to induce sleep. If I watch TV, my preferred activity any hour of the day, I get too excited about the infomercials and it delays my zzz’s.
I hope you don’t stop making these. I love the combination of objects. I can see the influence of hot sauce imbibing.
Using a glue gun is like riding a bike. It’s something you never forget but just have to remember to get your fingers out of the way.
More Monica:
‚Ä¢ Bye Michael, Thanks For The Dance – https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2009/11/23/bye-michael-thanks-for-the-dance/
‚Ä¢ Looks Are Everything – https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2009/11/23/looks-are-everything/
‚Ä¢ The Round Girl series – https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2009/11/24/the-round-girl-series-two-girls-one-mask-picking-up-guys-at-the-jefferson-bowl-and-self-portrait/
monica johnson
i love informercials too! I especially love when they say “but wait..” accompanied by the two for the same price, just pay shipping and hanedling, which is much more than the item ever could be.
Allee Willis
Last night at about 3 AM I was scribbling down the name of some liquid you spray on wood and no matter how deep a scratch is it instantly takes it out. Some kind of chemical thing happens with the raw wood so even if it’s a gouge it fills it and covers it up instantly. Two the bottles and a polishing cloth for $19.95. But the “but wait..‚Äù item was a hand vac that was free except it was another $19.95 to ship. I used to always get the “but wait..‚Äù item but now unless it’s an extra Magic Bullet I’ve learned to just say no.
monica johnson
someday i must tell you about a character i am putting in a rewrite who would relate strongly to us..
btw, dont buy the sandpaper hair remover..it tooks weeks to heal. i want thos hangers tho..have you seen them..
the thing i love about infomercials , they fill needs i vaguely knew i had but had no solution
Allee Willis
Common sense told me to stay away from the sandpaper hair remover. That flat little pad scared me the first time I saw it.
Which hangers do you mean? If they’re the ones that collapse so that the hangers line up vertically and it supposedly gives you more room in your closet those don’t work either. It ends up taking up just as much room because the clothes all bulge at the bottom. So although it looks like there’s more room on the closet pole because you’ve only got one hanger hooked over it instead of five, it just reduces where the traffic jam is.
monica johnson
thank god you told me..they have been haunting my desires.however i found some wonderful hangers at tj max..they are valour or something that holds the fabric to the hanger so things dont slump to the floor.this is a wonderful season for us..they will all start now..
Allee Willis
I have those velour hangers! Light pink, baby blue and somehow some beige ones snuck in. Bed Bath and Beyond but I’m sure the principle is the same. Nothing falls off them. But the downside is they’re about 1/8 of an inch thicker than a regular hanger so I have to go to war every time I pull anything out.
Agree about the wonderful season.
monica johnson
Allee..Did you buy one of the electric fireplaces (heat surge) that were made by the amish and can roll from room to room? I did. and its the best purchase i ever made. they sit too flat on the floor, but you get wood cut stack it under it (take off wheels first) to build it to a size where you can see it. and it heats well too..
Allee Willis
I don’t know what that fireplace is. I have a real fireplace in my living room but though I’ve been living here for 30 years I’ve never lit a fire because I don’t want soot on the round gleaming white wall it’s built into. I have a lovely vintage fake fireplace sitting inside there. I plug it in and I’m happy.
monica johnson
Allee..I cant believe you missed the amish fireplace! The tv ad shows amish men in their outfits working in a garage making the mantals..i bet if you saw it you would know it..
i have always had fireplaces, but there arent many here in palm springs..i never cared about swimming pools but fireplace yes..in fact most of my friends know me for keeping it freezing with airconditioning so i can have the fire place..i can actually make fire! and carry stones..anyway, hopefully you’ll be down here some time and ill show you..we can roll it from room to room. My brother called it the worlds most expensive bathroom heater. so..i love it
Allee Willis
Something about this sounds very familiar. I think maybe once I saw the commercial at 4 AM and needed sedation but put it out of my mind because I knew a fireplace wasn’t for me. Though the commercial was very much for me if I’m remembering correctly. I too keep it freezing all the time – everyone dresses for winter whenever they come over – but the thought of heating it up with a fireplace is too much for my menopausal self.
monica johnson
working on something i love..i hope it turns out like i see it in my head..sometimes we’re on two different channels.
Allee Willis
Single or multi-channel or whether it turns out like what you see in your head it’s all what it’s supposed to be.
My infomercial addiction isn’t for products that could make my life easier and better organized–I go for the horrible gift ideas–the plate bearing a very bad image of Tara–and Scarlett O’Hara running away from Mammy; coins bearing the disaster of 9/11; portraits of Ronald Reagan, done by Mr. Katz with rolls of toilet paper.
A sandpaper hair remover? An Amish fireplace? Where have I been?
Oh! I love the piece. It reminds me that I’m at my happiest and most relaxed when I’m either reading or writing.
monica johnson
i went thru a franklin mint period ..
Love the Franklin Mint! I think they were the ones who sold a tiny replica of a vintage general store, and you spent your college fund on, say, a gumball machine or pickle barrel each month, until you had the complete store. Mind-altering waste. And the spoons!
I’m getting a head rush, thinking of all the buying and hoarding.