In this piece ,”DOES THIS RESTAURANT MAKE ME LOOK FAT”, Leg and Skel go out for dinner as they do many times. Altho Leg wants to be skinny, she’s torn because she loves to eat. She tries to go to restaurants with a black theme, very dark, and better if it has wall paper with vertical stripes..all to look thinner.
Leg is made of legs of various sizes meant to replace parts for porcelain dolls. The skeleton is from a shop that has lots of Halloween stuff. The rest of the things are from the thrift store.

In this piece, ‘SO WE’RE NOT HAVING BRUNCH”, Leg and Skel are supposed to have Sunday brunch but when she gets there to pick him up, he and his friends are having a day of drinking and debauchery. She sees this, but rather than judge him for his activity, her only concern is they will miss brunch. His brunch is laying on his coffee table.
This piece is part of of the Johanna Went and Stuart Cornfeld collection.
Allee Willis
Another great Monica Johnson piece made from a fantastic assortment of found objects. I especially love these as they deal with my favorite topic, eating.
I love that Leg is only a leg and thinks that eating in restaurants with wallpaper with vertical stripes will have even herself thinking she looks thinner.
I can totally relate to “So We’re Not Having Brunch” as no matter what else is happening I’m concerned with not missing that most important meal. I would’ve appreciated a phone call though rather than having to drive all the way over only to see Skel’s brunch spread all over the coffee table.
Also check out Bye Michael, Thanks For The Dance @ michael- https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2009/11/23/bye-michael-thanks-for-the-dance/
Mark Milligan
Where has this been all my life? This is profoundly theater of the kitsch.
Mark Milligan
These pieces are an orchestration, I can’t explain it. One loves a good solo post that as you say “makes the eyes swim,” but to engage the origin, placement, and dialogue: that’s a jump to the next level. More please.
johanna went
Yes, it is like theater, opera, performance art and the circus. That is what has drawn me to Monica Johnson’s work, as well. Each piece is a complete drama. Well, she’s such a brilliant writer, naturally her visual art would create a humorous narrative as well. Thanks Allee for sharing Monica’s work on your site.
Allee Willis
Johanna, love seeing you here! It’s beyond a pleasure sharing Monica’s work and getting to know her through that.
I know you know your Kitsch so hope to see a lot more of you (and your surroundings!) here.