Oh NO! You’re lost in the woods, it’s dark, and you’re missing your favorite TV and radio programs! Never fear, the Multitasker (at least that’s what I call it) is here! This amazing device is a television, radio, flashlight, and wait for it,……yes, it has a compass too!!! You will never,ever be left in despair when you have your hand wrapped around the pop-up handle on this helpful little gadget. I’m not sure why the Red Cross hasn’t made these an essential part of an emergency first aid kit, but I can tell you, I certainly won’t be caught without mine!

Allee Willis
As an obsessive compulsive multitasker (I’m arranging a song, eating dinner, going through notes and watching TV while I’m writing this), this is a gadget for me. How big is this thing? I’d like to strap it around my neck and keep it with me at all times.
hmmm….it’s about a foot long and 10 inches high…kinda to heavy to be a necklace, but you could definitely wear it across your body like a canteen, or maybe get a baby bjorn or something…..
i actually inherited this from my little sister who bought while in college so she could watch a gymnastics match (does that count as kitsch?)…I was visiting her (in LA, I live in Nor Cal) and drove her to someplace like Macys…she was all conflicted about buying it and when I saw the compass, I was like, “are you kidding me!!!???” if you don’t buy it, I will!!!!