I don’t know what to say about this one. The figure and bottom of the commode are a separate wood piece glued onto the background. I imagine this was supposed to be funny, some combination of toilet and circus freak humor, but the joke eludes me.
I don’t know what to say about this one. The figure and bottom of the commode are a separate wood piece glued onto the background. I imagine this was supposed to be funny, some combination of toilet and circus freak humor, but the joke eludes me.
Allee Willis
Another one that’s a little too weird for me as I have no idea what he/she/it is still doing on the pot if he/she/it has, indeed, changed their mind.
I do like that some of the wood is three-dimensional and I also like the colors and style of drawing. It’s just the subject I’m having a little trouble with.
Is that a bald spot on he/she/it’s head? He/she/it is already having a rough enough time without having to think about thinning hair.
Howie Pyro
nah…that’s a pinhead hair shine! wow…i love this…i have a nice collection of hillbilly junk that this reminds me of or would look next to…i need this in my bathroom!!!
Allee Willis
Well, at least we’ve got some illumination on this. Though I still don’t get what he’s changed his mind about.