i know, this is kinda ewwww, but i found it in a weird store in new jersey many many years ago & had to buy it. i also got a shrunken head & an amazing large light up blaxploitation type beer sign there that i’ll post at some point…he was badly “done” & has the weirdest face, which i love…
Allee Willis
This one’s just too scary for me. I see that the nose and lip job are badly executed and usually something like this propels it into Kitschdom but as an animal lover, especially of something that’s got to be as rare as an albino squirrel, this one is just too hard to deal with. I know you know it has that quality so I don’t feel bad pointing it out.
I do wish, though, that he’d gotten a hold of that Rosary before the unskilled taxidermist gave him a little pig nose.
Howie Pyro
i think it was originally holding or is still holding a nut but at some point in time some nut put the rosary in there which gives it a whole other level of sickness…i’m a major animal lover too, but this was just too weird to pass up…
Babs Johnson
I want you to leave me this in your will, please.
Thank you.
And the doggs, too, of course.
That is all.
Howie Pyro
u got it babs