here is one shelf…the wrestling guy doesn’t count nor do the little devils at bottom right, there are bums covered in rhinestones, rock & rollers, beatniks, those double ones at bottom left that are connected with a chain & my favorite, the one on the right where the guy is shaving his tongue with an electric razor…there were literally hundreds of these produced in the 60’s…
Allee Willis
I have a few pieces of these made in Japan Kreiss Psycho Ceramics, all beatniks, but it’s nice to see them all here in a collection.
Psycho Ceramics people always looked like they had a severe drinking problem but not as bad as those tipped-past-the-limit Shriners you posted: https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2009/10/07/the-drunken-shriners/
These are very collectible so it’s great you have so many.