As much fun to watch as it is to play. Gold top and silver legs!…….spray-painted, of course. I didn’t spray it. It came to me just like you see it. The sound is mono, but there’s two built in speakers anyway. Just plug it in, turn it on and go! You might have seen this lurking behind Ricardo’s Tiki PMP Vessels. The bobble-head bugs on top represent me and some singing friends. Note that one stands out ahead of the rest.

Allee Willis
I know you know that I think this keyboard is beyond da bomb. What I wouldn’t do to cram that little lovely into my studio! I don’t usually like when anything like this is monkeyed with at all esthetically but I must say that in this case the spray paint only enhances the natural beauty. This keyboard deserves nothing less than silver and gold. I know it sounds gorgeous and, yes, you be the head bobble-head bug.
I’ve got a secret…. The head bobble-head bug is not me.
Wurlies are incredible pianos – I wish I had one too! I used to have a Hohner Pianet which came pretty close in sound but didn’t have the dynamic range. I agree that the spray painted silver legs add to the overall look and are a nice balance to the bobbleheads.