trying to get through all the stuff in my bathroom folks, but we ain’t done yet! guaranteed to WIPE a smile on your face here’s some dumb toilet paper! promo items from mad magazine, the wonder stuff & the butthole surfers as well as a cool 50’s gag item, “Laff Tissue” with jokes about doctors, nurses & hospitals on each sheet(?????), and that incredible real ShitBegone toilet paper that could be bought in stores in manhattan about 10 years ago!!!! also pictured is a wizard frankenstein air freshener that stank for like the first 10 years i had it…
Allee Willis
I’ve bought various rolls of joke toilet paper throughout the years but it’s nice to see them here altogether as a collection.
I can’t believe that ShitBegone was actually sold at stores in Manhattan. I hope you bought a case of them. Thank God it’s “pillow soft”.
Mark Blackwell
my only interesting toilet paper is a promo roll that i received in the late-90s from the butthole surfers…
oh wait! i just noticed you also have a roll of it in the pic! cool!
My parents used to use TP like these when we had company. They were funny, but sadly they never did their primary function well. I really like your collection. I need to start buying some of those.
My husband’s last name is Waldorf so, inevitably, he’d always get Waldorf toilet tissue (sold in the NY area) for every holiday event. Unfortunately, they stopped making this brand ( I tried to find it after he told me his sad story) and when I wrote to ask Scott tissue why, they said they needed to update their brand or some kind of nonsense like that. So, if you ever find some, please let me know.
Howie Pyro
will doo (doo)