Various and sundry items, mostly from estate sales. My personal favorites are the Shinola shoe polish (which I can differentiate from sh*t) and Prince Albert tobacco (Do you have Prince Albert in a can? Let him out!) Other miracle slaves, potions, pastes and potentially carcinogenic items fill out the collection. The one with the strangest story may be the Tickle deodorant, which I found in a Montreal thrift store, partially used. This meant that someone had to deem it worth donating, someone else decided it was sale-able, and yet a third person (me!) was actually willing to buy it.
Allee Willis
I have oodles of this stuff too. I absolutely love sundry things in cans so have many similar looking shelves. I never heard of Tickle deodorant. For the name alone – who on earth would want to be assured of a tickling sensation under their arms at all times? – I’m hoping you will take a separate photo of this and submit it. In addition to the name, the shape and color conspire to elevate this product to the highest rung of Kitsch.
Mark Blackwell
nice display!